
The Organizational Neuroscience and Biology Interest Group (NeuB) is dedicated to using neuroscience and biology knowledge and approaches at different levels in organizations, as well as promoting linkages to management practice


We encourage knowledge generation through theoretical propositions and/or empirical evidence pertaining to the neural and biological mechanisms associated with behavior in the workplace. Concurrently, the interest group seeks to understand how the environment, culture, and institutions can affect organizational actors’ nervous system functioning. By considering neuroscience and biology at different levels of analysis in organizations, we encourage interdisciplinarity and multi-methods research. Moreover, we stress ethical considerations when using neuroscience and biology technology in workplace research.

Dear All,
The Organizational Neuroscience and Biology Interest Group (NeuB) is now in its 5th year! We, as a community, have made incredible strides since the foundations were laid back in 2019 and 2020. Interest in NeuB remains strong, and growth of membership is on an upward trajectory. We also boast an increasingly diverse membership, both in terms of our members affiliation with every other division of the AOM, and nationality. Many of our members are doctoral students or are in the early stages of their careers. In addition, more than ten percent of our members are executive members, which is among the higher percentages in the AOM.
In response to our growing membership, the Executive Committee, with support from our members, expanded our domain statement to focus on “broader biologically-based approaches at different levels of analysis in organizations,” including generating knowledge “through theoretical propositions and/or empirical evidence pertaining to neural, physiological, and micro-behavioral mechanisms associated with work-related behavior and outcomes.” To better align our domain statement and name, we recently changed our name to “Organizational Neuroscience and Biology” (NeuB). We are optimistic that this broadened scope and name change will contribute to introducing new methods to management research, and the translation of research findings into practice.
Established on the aforementioned goals, NeuB held its first community-based conference under the auspices of the AOM at Erasmus University in Rotterdam in June 2023. Attendees engaged in robust discussions and experienced the application of neurological and biological theory and methods. Our growing NueB community was also introduced to leading journal editors. The conference, by all accounts, was very successful and suggests that management scholars and practitioners' interest in the application of neuroscience/biology theory and methods are intact, and spans across multiple fields. It is evident that the varying and intersecting perspectives embodying the NeuB community will further facilitate improved understanding of individual and team behavior in organizations. These innovations will help NeuB achieve our aim to improve leadership effectiveness, employee wellbeing, and organizational performance.
Looking ahead to the years to come, NeuB has set multifaceted and dynamic strategic goals. These include activities aimed at increasing our membership, providing educational programming about neuroscience/biology methodologies using varying platforms, developing sponsorship to support our activities, planning regional conferences, and increasing submissions to the annual conference. In addition, we will pursue efforts that deepen our linkages to other Divisions and Interest Groups that host scholars pursuing related approaches. Moreover, mark your calendars for NeuB’s 2nd community-based conference that will be held July23-25, 2025 at the Copenhagen Business School, just prior to the annual AOM conference.
My hope is that we can rely on your continued involvement and contributions as we embark on implementing our ambitious and exciting strategic goals. If you want to explore ways to get more involved in NeuB, feel free to contact me.


David Waldman

NeuB Chair.

Professor of Management and Dean’s Council Distinguished Scholar
Executive Co-Director, Global Center for Technology Transfer
Fellow of the Academy of Management, American Psychological Association, and
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
W. P. Carey School of Business (https://wpcarey.asu.edu/)
Arizona State University