About Us / Committee Structure and Current Members

Jemima Frimpong

Chair Elect
David Waldman
Past Chair
Yair Berson

Program Chair
Constant Beugre
Past Program Chair
David Waldman
PDW Annual Meeting Chair
Sebastiano Massaro
Sebastiano MASSARO | Professor (Associate) | PhD | Research profile
Program Chair Elect
Sebastiano Massaro
Sebastiano MASSARO | Professor (Associate) | PhD | Research profile

Representative at Large
Danni Wang
Representative at Large
Laura Parks-Leduc
Laura PARKS-LEDUC | Professor (Full) | PhD | James Madison University,  Harrisonburg | JMU | College of Business | Research profile
Representative at Large
Richard Boyatsis


Pierre Balthazard
Pierre Balthazard

Nominating And Awards Committee Chair

Yair Berson
Education Committee
Giorgios Christopoulos

Newsletter / Community /Media Relations Committee

Nir Milstein